
Peter’s Heart of Design program introduces a set of practical tools used by his professional design team in successful commercial projects. One of these tools is the Heart-Centered Design Canvas which is made freely available below.

The Heart-Centered Design Canvas

The Heart-Centered Design Canvas offers us a simple way to visually map and share our concept from a heart-centered design approach.

Design Canvas Guide

Step-by-step guide of the Heart-Centered Design Canvas


Who am I serving? For which communities do I hope to facilitate change, insha’Allah? Acknowledge that our audiences are made up of individual people to help, not users to acquire. Be mindful that in each person is a heart, and each heart has a spiritual state.

Design Activities

How do I interact with the people I’m serving? What do I need todesign and test with them? These might include prototype products,communication channels (website, newsletters, socials), and othertouchpoints that should be designed as a part of the experience.


What is the transformation people will undergo by engaging with my design activities? What is the unique, spiritually grounded change I hope to enable for my community? In what ways am I providing meaningful value in their lives? What is my work helping make possible that isn’t available elsewhere?


What is my niyya? What do I personally hope will be the outcome for this design journey? What does success look like to me as the leader of this activity? How will this design journey align with my spiritual aspirations? How might this design activity affect my next season of life?


Which sources of spiritual wisdom will create the foundation for my vision, decisions, and ethical considerations? Which teachers, mentors, leaders, or role models will I ask for help?


Who will support my journey, especially when things are difficult? Who can I rely upon for accountability and momentum? Who will be in my Personal Circle of Mentorship (PCM)? Who will walk the journey with me?

Design Values

Which specific spiritual aspirations and values will inspire my design journey? On which of God’s Names and Attributes will I focus? Are there any Qu’ranic verses or hadith that will inspire my journey? On which virtues will my design journey be based?


How will my idea be financially sustainable? Which revenue streams and business models will I need to explore? What are my operational needs to get underway? How will I keep operations lean?


What resources will I need to get started? What are the likely expenses I’ll incur? Who are the key people or partners I’ll need to pay? What are my overheads, materials, and production costs? What kind of technology, tools, or space will I need?

Project Showcase by Rehan

Rehan completed the program in 2020 and has since launched his company His company has good traction, real users and has received great feedback from his community.

He was very specific with his Heart-Centered Design Canvas and provided lots of information. The more specific you can be with your Heart-Centered Design Canvas the better as your business becomes clearer. His transformation that delivered the unique experiences showed his beautiful intention for his community. It helped carry the value throughout his business. Rehan's canvas is a very good example of how the Heart-Centred Design Canvas can be used to bring value to your business and your community.

Visit Rehan's website HalalStocks.Co

Example of Rehan’s Heart-Centered Design Canvas


Articulate Clearly with Heart-Centered Value Proposition

Heart-Centered Value Proposition tool, which helps us to frame our work withspiritually grounded language.


My intention (niyyah) is to...


Serve spiritually grounded professionals, creatives, and aspiring entrepreneurial (Global Urban Muslims who are Educated and English Speaking).

Seeking deeper spiritual alignment and fulfilment in their work and life journey.

By Designing The Heart of Design book and platform featuring practical guidance, inspiring holistic success stories and like-hearted communities.

To Transform their outlook with a heart-centered designer mindset at the intersection of spirituality, creativity & entrepreneurship.

Guided by seven design principles and seven spiritual aspirations distilled from my twenty-year journey as a Muslim, designer, and entrepreneur.

Unlike most mainstream business and design resources, this approach embraces faith-based concepts and examples from personal and professional experiences.

Because my amanah is to share and teach what I’ve learned in service to a movement of emerging leaders exploring their creative and entrepreneurial potential to build meaningful products and startups that design for remembrance in an age of design for distraction.


Seeking to grow their wealth and retire comfortably without compromising on their faith

By Designing an easy to use app-based investment solution

To Transform how they generate high-performance passive income

Guided by Islamic principles and a Warren Buffet style of investing

Unlike existing lower-performing halal investment services, or Riba-based investment services

Because investors shouldn’t have to choose between strong financial performance and maintaining their ethical standards.

The canvas and value proposition tools are inspired by the Lean Canvas by Eric Ries and the Business Model Canvas tools from Strategyzer


Get Your Canvas Template

The Heart-Centered Design Canvas considers spiritual growth and holistic success by reimagining the Business Model canvas. Through incorporating Heart-Centered Design principles and personal aspirations into the earliest foundations of the concept, offering & team culture.